Counter strike source download cz
Counter strike source download cz

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With all available weapons, players will fight for 30 rounds (or less) until victorious. The most expensive pistol for terrorists will be the Tec The choice falls from Glock to Five Seven. Each round he gets money regardless of winning or losing. In the first round, the player is given a base amount of $ 800. There are modes like hostage guard or deathmatch, but these are considered unofficial. Spetsnaz must guard the mining points, or prevent terrorists from planting a bomb. The goal of the terrorists is to plant a bomb, prevent it from being cleared of mines, or kill all opponents in a round, which, by the standards of competitive games, lasts a minute and 45 seconds. The main game mode is a victory on the map in a team resistance between terrorists and special forces. Ballistics and shooting techniques have not changed, however, the graphic component and the "atmosphere of an open location" added an additional charm to the game for fans of the first-person shooter. For example, in the new part, many weapons have a completely different spread of bullets, which is why the players had to get used to it for a long time. Appeared as a worthy competitor to its previous installment, Counter-Strike: Source Is an updated version 1.6, in which players found both disadvantages and advantages.

Counter strike source download cz